In 2016, I was walking out of His room and as I shut the door behind me I asked myself, “how did we get here, this is not the woman that I am, I am better than this, I am a good woman”. I whispered these words to myself as tears streamed down my face and in the freshness of that moment I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me “Letmebeawoman”.
I knew what he was talking about…That was the title of a book that I had heard about several years ago but had not yet read. He was leading me to read that book… I went to find a private room and prayed, trying to redefine my center. And I took to reading the book, and the first thing that stood out to me was a question that the author asked in the book, when the serpent proposed to Eve everything she would ‘Be” if she ate the fruit. She said “what if Eve had said to the serpent let me not be like God, but let me be a woman, exactly what he made me to be.” That question sparked such a shift within me because it made me question myself, Who am i? Where am I going? What does it mean to be a woman?
And so I started journaling in the form of an IG blog in the process of rediscovering myself and whiles at it I started getting younger women asking me questions which evolved into an online community that focused on a knowledge of God, young women’s development and creating a safe-space for young women to connect to mentors and get answers to some of the tough questions of young adulthood.
In 2019 it was officially registered as THE LETMEBEAWOMAN FOUNDATION and has since been committed to the vision of raising the next Generation of Good women.